The Reliability Green Belt®
5-day In-person Course
& Certification Program
This course is for engineers, technicians, specialists, and executives in the areas of product development, design, testing, production, quality, and management.
Reliability is important. It is a vital competitive factor in today's market.
Dependable products increase customer satisfaction and reduce warranty-related expenses.
A methodical planning and safeguarding of product reliability, availability, and service life are necessary to meet these challenges in the face of the complexity of today's systems.
The Reliability Green Belt® comprises the first of three modules in the qualification as a Reliability Engineer Master Black Belt®.
In this module, the most important qualitative and quantitative methods of reliability engineering are imparted. The Green Belt training is deliberately structured to teach the participant when, how and why the individual methods can be applied in the product development process. The essential reliability activities can thus be independently implemented and integrated in a company’s organization by its own employees.
What I especially enjoyed about the Reliability Green Belt Program was the technical discussions with the teacher and participants we had throughout the 5-Day class. Les was a really knowledgable trainer and his wide range of experience and examples from industry helped to apply the training material and get a better understanding of it. I would especially recommend this training for people that haven't been exposed to Reliability much yet. — Celine, Reliability Manager
Course Content
Master the basics of reliability engineering. Improve your ability to use the right tool at the right time, effectively.
Lecture, discussions, questions/answers, hands-on examples, and more all designed to help you use a solid understanding of reliability engineering to improve your ability to improve your product's reliability performance.
Introduction to reliability engineering | Reliability in the product development process | Norms and standards
Mathematical Description of Reliability
Basic concepts of statistics and probability theory | Weibull distribution | Failure probability | Density function | Failure rate | Reliability | Order statistics and their distribution | Confidence interval | Estimation of distribution parameters | Regression analysis | Maximum likelihood estimation
System and Component Reliability
Boolean system model | Quantitative fault tree analysis | System reliability evaluation and optimization
Data Analysis I (complete Data)
Median rank method | Weibull probability plot | Weibull analysis | Acceleration factor
Data Analysis II (Censored Data)
Type I and type II censoring | Multiple censoring | Weibull analysis based on censored data | Johnson method | Mileage distribution | Various exercises
Reliability Test Planning
Test planning based on the binomial approach | Weibayes | Integration of prior knowledge | Step-stress method | Accelerated life testing | Highly accelerated life testing (HALT)
Lifetime Calculation
Load spectra | Damage models | Damage accumulation
Qualitative Methods of System (Risk) Analysis
Failure mode and effects analysis FME(C)A | Fault tree analysis FTA | Hazard and operability study HAZOP | Design review based on failure mode DRBFM

I really enjoyed the class and your insights into the material as well as your anecdotal support of the subject matter.
Jaime, Quality Engineer Lead
I enjoyed the class and I would sign up for another with Les with no apprehensions.
Wendi, Reliability Engineer Lead
The Reliability Green Belt® is a course developed and licensed by the Reliability Engineering Academy. It is part of a sequence of three steps to becoming a certified Reliability Master Black Belt®

To secure your seat using a company purchase order, please contact Les directly to arrange registration.
Master the basics
Receive a certification of course completion
Become a Certified Reliability Green Belt®
Master the basics
Receive a certification of course completion
Master the basics
Receive a certificate of course completion
Become a Certified Reliability Green Belt®
Master the basics
Receive a certificate of course completion
Les, you were awesome. One of the characteristics I liked the most was your cadence of speech. The metered delivery of each word and concept was very effective for me and my style of learning. If the words and concepts get delivered too quickly, I don’t have enough time to connect with the concept, write down my notes, and still keep up with the next thing being said. I found your analogies and examples of real world applications to be very relevant and helpful. Overall, I feel I have received value well above my expectations for the course, and with your instruction I was able to hit the ground running on the first day I got back. Thanks for teaching the course, and I look forward to continuing my education with the Reliability Black Belt program. — Chris, Reliability Engineer
Your Instructor Les Warrington
Contact me if you have any questions about the reliability belt program.
Les Warrington via email at

30+ year of reliability engineering experience
My roles in this have been user, customer, design & development, manager, researcher, academic, trainer, and consultant.
My mission is to help you deliver the benefits of reliability
It is not enough to deliver product reliability; the reliability needs to be right for the customer and for the business, and it needs to be delivered in such a way as to maximize those benefits.
My Career and Background
My career spans military (Royal Air Force, UK), academic (Senior Fellow, University of Warwick, UK), commercial (Director Reliability, Research in Motion, Canada) and consulting (worldwide).
A steady and growing number of Reliability Belts awarded

Examination / certification:
The training will end in all cases with a certificate of participation. Furthermore, there is the possibility to take a written examination for a certified Reliability Green Belt® at the end of the course. The certificate will be awarded by the University of Stuttgart and the Institute of Machine Components. The examination is in multiple choice form.

There are no prerequisites for this course.
Software requirements:
Each participant must have a laptop with the following software: Microsoft Excel, Adobe Reader and Minitab (Version R15 or above). A demo version of the software Minitab can be downloaded from