This is our first video on ALT in a series of videos on this important topic in reliability engineering. In this video, Hemant Urdhwareshe has introduced basic concepts of ALT. In our subsequent videos on ALT, we will do a more detailed discussion on mathematical treatment, selection of appropriate model and statistical distribution. We will explain these with application example on Minitab software. Hemant is a Fellow of ASQ and is ASQ CRE, CMBB, CSSBB, CQE and CMQ/OE. We are sure that viewers will find it useful.
l like when you said, “easier said than done..” (totally relatable!)
On one of the assumptions for ALT with high stress levels, ie., “Failure mode is the same at normal and high stress levels..”, how do you respond when design engineers would treat failures at high stress levels as merely a datapoint and nothing more or actionable since it is outside of the normal operating range?
Typically, the most number of units in our testing is two, if we’re lucky to have two, due to our HW is expensive and also due to limited equipment resource, so demonstrating reliability would have to come from field data and that 1- or 2-unit ALT, I suppose.