This is the instrumentation technician’s reference manual for process control. The instrumentation control process is made up of an assortment of different type of sensors, the ebook is a guide to those sensors. Mike gives real experience in troubleshooting and design considerations for process control systems.
As well as describing the inputs from the process, the outputs like electric motors and variable speed drives are discussed. Also as the contents indicate, mac valves and other valve types are explained.
The greatest asset of this book is it’s reference value and real case examples for ph meters, proximity sensors, manometers, proximity switches, pneumatic actuators, differential pressure transmitter and capacitance probes. (33 pages of pure knowledge, not fluff.)
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LoginTable of Contents
- Ultrasonic level detectors – Consider these experiences.
- How control valves operate.
- Isolation valves for different chemical services.
- Radar level detectors.
- Differential pressure transmitters.
- Magnetic flow meters.
- Control systems can trick operators.
- Pneumatic actuator experiences.
- Capacitance level probes.
- Temperature sensing elements.
- Plastic air pipelines for instruments and control valves.
- Water hammer and its control.
- Proximity switches.
- Using pH meters.
- Using Liquid Manometers for Measuring Pressure.
- Electrical Motor Current Protection Saves Your Plant.
- Flow Meters – Don’t ever believe what they tell you.
- Electric motor variable speed drives operation.
- Orifice plate flow meter measurement.
- Effect of process changes on electric motors.
- Conductivity meter operation & use.
- Mechanical level sensor types and use.