- Publisher: Lulu.com
- Edition: 1st Edition
- Available in: Paperback
- ISBN: 978-1329850255
- Published: April 28, 2016
No Surprises! author, James Reyes-Picknell is a regular writer of the Conscious Asset series. You can learn more about James at his bio.
If we are to be good at Asset Management we need to understand what it is and what it is not, begin to think of our business more holistically, consider our role as contributing to a greater whole and start behaving differently. Once we’ve achieved that, Asset Management should be sustained – it never stops. Putting it in place is not just a project with a beginning and end although it may start that way. It is really about putting in place a new corporate culture and continually improving it. This book speaks to those changes and how to go about doing it.
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