In some industries, 40% of maintenance repairs result from original equipment manufacturing failures. And up to 35% of maintenance is traceable to design engineering mistakes. That totals 75% of maintenance costs during operation can be from prior life cycle process blunders
To get utmost operating plant and equipment reliability, you need to purposefully design and build your business processes to guarantee maximum reliability from each and every phase of the asset life cycle
The famous P-F Interval Curve on which condition monitoring strategy is based is the wrong maintenance and reliability paradigm for world class operating asset performance because condition monitoring does not eliminate the possibility of equipment failure. In the image below, each of the numerous curves dropping to failure during the operating phase of the life cycle is a P-F curve. Condition monitoring cannot produce healthy, failure-free assets. To get world class reliable operating assets you need to change to using the asset life cycle wellness curve.

The P-F Curve was developed back in the 1960’s and 1970’s as a means to justify the use of condition based maintenance strategy in a Reliability Centered Maintenance program. Condition monitoring is done to spot the ‘P’ point (P for Potential Failure), which once found is monitored and trended to identify the rate of performance degradation. The equipment is repaired and refurbished before the ‘F’ point (F for Failure) arrives.
The image shows potential reliability (R) is lost from each phase of the asset life cycle. Across the life cycle reliability is destroyed by wrong choices, poor choices, and improper quality of execution. If it was possible to prevent those errors and mistakes throughout the life cycle, your assets would be phenomenally reliable, and need the least maintenance, during their entire operating lives.
The Asset Life Cycle Wellness Curve is a powerful concept for directing your efforts on doing what really matters in getting outstanding plant and equipment reliability. Even the use of Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) comes no where near what can be achieved when you apply asset life cycle wellness strategy. With RCM, your options are limited to what is possible to do during the operation phase. With an asset life cycle wellness methodology, the entire life cycle is used to guarantee world class operating asset reliability during operation.
With Plant Wellness Way Enterprise Asset Management methodology you select and embed the actions and activities into each phase of the life cycle that maximize operating asset reliability. Because the Plant Wellness Way EAM methodology demands a life cycle perspective, it ensures you build a business-wide, life cycle long “asset wellness system” with design engineering, supply chain, operating, and maintenance strategy and practices to maximize reliability.
To learn how Plant Wellness Way EAM can get utmost reliability in your operation—simply ask an approved consultant.
All the very best to you,
Mike Sondalini
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