Earlier this year I was in Seoul and got a chance to see Avatar 4D.
What’s the 4th dimension? Moving seats, wind, water sprinkling, lasers, and synthetic smells used to enhance the movie experience.
That made me wonder, with so much advances in media/entertainment, why is most safety training so dull?
Unlike 4D Avatar that had me spell bound, most safety training I have come across cannot hold my attention for more than a few minutes.
Am I suggesting motion activated seats for safety training? Maybe not. However, I’m suggesting more engaging training sessions.
But before you contact Pixar to create those cute safety animations, note that engagement is not only the attribute of a good training program.
To have an effective training program you have to carefully consider (and measure) the performance metrics for the group being trained.
You should be able to answer at least the following questions clearly for your safety training program:
- What is the safety training program’s objective? Impart knowledge? Drive people to a particular change?
- How will you measure the performance of the training?
- What other processes do you need to go along with the safety training to make the program a success?
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