Professional Reading with Journals
Here’s a listing of technical journals with a little information about each one.
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To stay up technically sharp make it a habit to regularly read technical articles. There are a wealth of journals that offer peer reviewed theoretical and practical, informative articles based on the research, science, experiments, and experience of your peers.
You can find these journals in your favorite engineering library or by directly subscribing to a journal. Some journals also have limited access to articles or are a benefit of a professional society membership.
What you will find with each entry
I’m pulling information from the SCImago Journal & Country Rank service that pulls data from Scopus®. For the journals I searched for the subject area of engineering and subject category of Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality. I than down selected the journal listing to those of most interest to reliability engineering professionals.
The embedded graphic shows:
SJR or the SCImago Journal Rank indicator, which show the visibility of journals contained in the Scopus® database. Similar to Google PageRank™.
Cites per doc is the average number of citations per document in a 3 year period.
Total cites is the total number of citations received in the selected year by a journal to the documents published in the three previous years.
You can click though to view more information about the journal on the SCImagojr.com site.
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