Maintenance and Reliability improvement are keys to Operational Excellence – without them, you’ll suffer high costs and reduced outputs. This interview by Ryan Chan of UpKeep gives insight into what Uptime is, how it works towards Maintenance and Reliability improvement. The value it can deliver is high, how it does it is straight-forward, and leaders are needed to make it happen.
If you want to get a deeper understanding of the value we can deliver, then get a copy of “Paying Your Way“.
James Reyes-Picknell is the best-selling author of several books on Maintenance and Reliability Management. His books are texts used around the world. He teaches courses through his company, Conscious Asset, and through the University of Toronto.
Ryan Chan is the founder and CEO of UpKeep. While working with other systems he realized how challenging they can be – it was little wonder they were so poorly used and provided so little true support to the maintenance function. Wanting to make maintenance software easier to use and more helpful, he founded UpKeep (2015).
The right focus on Maintenance efficiency and effectiveness of proactive programs is aided by systems like UpKeep. Efficiency is all about managing the maintenance activity to deliver reliable performance and availability (Uptime). Effectiveness is about having the maintenance program composition to reduce failures and their consequences. Get the mix right to enjoy low costs, high output, safer, and more environmentally sound operations.
Combine the right program (Uptime) with the right software (UpKeep) and you’ve got a recipe for Operational Excellence. James’ book describes how good software systems should support maintenance programs. Without them, you will miss important asset performance and failure history that is needed to improve reliability. Many systems are, as Ryan found out first hand, too complicated and user-hostile. They don’t get used correctly and the result is an inability to improve reliability.
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