In the last video on stress-strength interference, we have seen the analytical method. This has limitations and often cannot be used in real life problems in reliability prediction. For example, velocity of windmill may have Weibull or lognormal distribution, elevators may have particular application load cycles which can only be modelled using empirical distributions. In such situations, we need to use Monte Carlo Simulation using various other distributions. I will discuss and explain this technique in this video.
When using Monte Carlo to predict the reliability. My question here is at what time do we calculate this reliability, as the usual practice is to calculate the reliability at a specific time?
Hi Mohamed, while you certainly can calculate reliability at a specific time of interest, you can also calculate the entire reliability curve over the duration of interest. Done well you end up with a value for reliability from time zero to what ever time has meaning for you, say when you expected the last units to have failed. cheers, Fred