Reliability Engineering Higher Eduction Programs
A list of programs focused on reliability engineering. Click through to learn more.
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City University of Hong Kong
One of the main areas of teaching and research in Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management (SEEM) is quality and reliability engineering.View ProgramArizona State University
The Master of Engineering degree program offers an area of study in Quality, Reliability & Statistical EngineeringView ProgramIndian Institute of Technology Kharagpur
The Subir Chowdhury School of Quality and Reliability offering Masters degree in the areas of Quality and Reliability Engineering.View ProgramRutgers University
The research deals with quality improvements, system reliability modeling, reliability optimization, accelerated life testing, software reliability, maintenance modeling and optimization.View ProgramUniversity of Arizona
The Master of Science in Industrial Engineering with Quality & Reliability Engineering option prepares students for career opportunities in quality and reliability engineering.View ProgramUniversity of Wisconsin – Madison
Advance your maintenance management career with a University of Wisconsin Maintenance and Reliability Management CertificateView ProgramUniversity of Maryland
Typical areas of study include topics such as the mechanisms and physics of failure, methods of design for reliability, maintainability engineering, life cycle costing and equipment sparing policies.View ProgramUniversity of Toronto
Our focus is engineering asset management in condition-based maintenance, spares management, protective devices, maintenance and repair contracts, and failure-finding intervals.View ProgramTexas State University
Under the performance-based contracting framework, research in service parts logistics leverage stochastic programming to develop efficient, yet cost-effective, supply chain systemsView ProgramUniversity of West of Scotland
Quality Centre offers post graduate taught and research programmes in Quality Management as well as training, consultancy and short courses for industry.View ProgramSouthern Methodist University
Designed to build on your engineering/technical experience to broaden your exposure while developing your problem definition and problem solving skills.View ProgramBeihang University
Mastering the concepts and theory of Reliability, Durability, Adaptability, Maintainability, Testability, Supportability and Safety; researching complex system and productsView ProgramGeorgia Tech
The School of Industrial and Systems Engineering includes a MS and Ph.D. program for Applied Statistics, including a specific focus on manufacturing statistics, reliability and quality control.View ProgramNorwegian University of Science and Technology
Focus on risk analysis & prevention of major accidents and to system reliability with assessment of safety-instrumented systems.View ProgramHeriot Watt University
The SRRE programme has a stronger engineering bias and you should only attempt this if you have done some University level mathematics. The SRM has a more management bias.View ProgramVanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University’s multidisciplinary graduate program in reliability and risk engineering, analysis, and management was initially funded by the National Science Foundation.View ProgramFederation University
Maintenance and reliability engineering (MRE) is a powerful tool in managing assets to improve industrial profitability. Now required with many physical assets required to be in service longer.View ProgramUniversity of Tennessee
The program focuses on the management systems, analysis techniques & advanced condition-based & preventive technologies to identify, manage & eliminate failures & lossesView ProgramTsinghua University
The research deals with real quality and reliability problems and challenges from semiconductor manufacturing, solar cell manufacturing, railway systems, power systems and human computer systems.View ProgramLuleå University of Technology
Research activities include basic and applied sciences and management leading to integrated maintenance engineering solutions or industrial problems.View Program
Retired but must keep reading.
Good information
University of Manchester is missing along with University of Wollongong
Thanks and I’ll content these two programs and see if they will provide suitable information for listing here. cheers, Fred
PS: do you have contacts with these schools that I should reach out to?
hi Fred, good compilation. aint there Doctoral courses on Reliability area? I cant find in the links suggested above.
would be good if you can suggest few ..
Hi Sriram,
I the one I am sure has a doctoral degree is U of Maryland and I suspect many of the others do as well. There are many options available and it really is your first major research project to find the right program for yourself.
PS: compiling the list of program is to help you get started.
Hi, Alberta University is missing from the list. I believe a few other Canadian universities also have masters programs in Reliability.
Hi Sangeet, thanks for the heads up. Will have to do some research and find the appropriate contracts at the various programs. cheers, Fred