My Reliability Engineering Passion
Welcome to Accendo Reliability – join us and learn the art and craft of reliability engineering.
As I started my career, I focused on mastering the tools. My first accelerated test plan and results used a Wiener diffusion model and non-linear regression techniques. Presenting the methods and results, my boss asked, “What does it mean to our business and customers?”
Hadn’t thought about that.
Mastering the tools is only one aspect of what we do. Effectively working with others and being able to influence and persuade at all levels of the organization are other key aspects of what we do.
Building on engagements that assessed and improved over 200 organizations, this site provides you the benefits of that experience. You will find tools, insights, tutorials, articles, webinars, and courses that will make you think.
Reliability engineering is more than statistics and a few tools. It’s about how and when to apply those tools for the greatest value to you, your organization and your customers. Here we will explore the broad expanse of reliability.
Improving Reliability Matters
I am the reliability expert at FMS Reliability, a reliability engineering and management consulting firm I founded in 2004. I left Hewlett Packard (HP)’s Reliability Team, where I helped create a culture of reliability across the corporation, to assist other organizations.
Reliability engineering is the key to improving operational efficiencies, customer satisfaction, and the bottom line in today’s global marketplace.
My passion is working with teams to improve product reliability, customer satisfaction, and efficiencies in product development; and to reduce product risk and warranty costs.
My areas of expertise are: reliability program development, accelerated life test design and analysis, reliability statistics, risk assessment, test planning, and training. Given the scope of my work, I am considered an international authority.
In addition to reliability consulting, my firm FMS Reliability offers reliability education and training, reliability engineering, digital content publishing, and reliability event production services.
My mission is first, to solve problems and generate results. And second, to improve each client’s understanding and capabilities concerning reliability so that they can solve similar issues themselves if they arise in the future.

I am a teacher, coach, and mentor. Clients and colleagues value my integrity and “can-do” attitude. I live by the motto, “Do. Or do not! There is no try….” as proclaimed by Yoda to Luke Skywalker in the swamps of Dagobah. I also believe in taking risks ─ what rock climber and world explorer doesn’t?
Career Highlights Span 20+ Years
My skills in reliability engineering consulting and professional development were built over 20+ years of experience in the field, during which time I worked on over 150 design and maintenance programs.
I have expertise in reliability design, engineering and management practices, reliability engineering management training, reliability program assessment, reliability statistics, accelerated life data analysis, quality control, and engineering tools and practices.
My background includes:
- Degrees in physics and statistics
- Math, electrical, polymer engineering experience
- Advanced problem solving skills
- Leadership and communication skills
I established and built the Hewlett Packard (HP) Corporate Reliability Program which resulted in a broad range of HP product qualifications and assessments. I also conducted research and development on a variety of HP product reliability management challenges.
I previously worked as a design and manufacturing engineer on HP DeskJet printers. Before HP, I held several positions with Raychem Corporation including research and development of accelerated life testing of polymer-based heating cables.
Lecturer, Speaker, Blogger… I Have a Lot to Say
A graduate course lecturer with the University of Maryland on reliability engineering management. The initial Executive Producer of the ASQ Reliability Division Webinar program. A and a member of various IEEE reliability standards development team.
Previously a member of the U.S. delegation as a voting member of the IEC TC 56 – Durability. And a current voting member of the U.S. TAG to ISO TC 69 Applications of statistical methods teams.

A prior speaker at the Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS®) and other conferences, I also blog at, CRE Preparation Notes, and Musings. Plus, host or produce a few podcast shows including Speaking of Reliability, Accendo Reliability Webinar Series, and Dare to Know.
My Bachelor of Science in Physics is from the United States Military Academy and I have a Master of Science in Statistics from Stanford University. I enjoy rock climbing, triathlons, exploring the world, continual learning, and cooking.
Fred’s author archive lists contributions of articles and episodes.