The 5 Levels of Effective Maintenance Scheduling
2 hour recorded webinar, recording available now
Speaker: James Kovacevic
Cost: $100
An Accendo Reliability 2-hour webinar event focused on providing you practical content to improve your reliability program today.
Event Registration $100 for this 2-hour event
Scheduling ensures the right maintenance is executed at the right time. But many organizations fail to schedule work that improves plant performance.
Instead, the work is scheduled last minute and is often not the most important work, but the work of the person yelling the loudest.
In order to effectively schedule maintenance work, there needs to be a systematic approach which not only takes into account the needs of the maintenance department, but that of the business. This fully integrated schedule ensures the planned downtime is reduced, while maximizing the amount of work which can be completed.
The 5 levels of scheduling enable the full integration of operations and maintenance schedules. Scheduling starts re the 52 week level and cascades into the 16 week, 4 week, 1 week and finally the daily scheduling. The scheduling process depends heavily upon a rigorous prioritization process. The prioritization criteria must be fully aligned with the business risks and agreed upon by the leadership team.
The benefits to the business of proper scheduling are many and include, reduced planned downtime, reduced overtime and reduced unplanned downtime.
Event Registration $100 for this 2-hour event
Looking forward to the maintenance scheduling webinar.
Be sure to register and this one does have a fee… if you cannot make the live event we will be making the recording available as well (for a fee as well). cheers, Fred