RCA Self-Assessment Tool. (linked version no longer available) The purpose of this tool is to allow individuals or groups to anonymously self-assess their current RCA system. How they wish to use the results is completely up to them!
All results are private and not retained anywhere. Therefore, if you wanted to keep your results, you would have to print them out and scan them back into your work station (or your past results are gone).

Below is a short 4- minute video describing how to fill out the complementary Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Self-Assessment Tool. This will explain any misunderstood acronyms as well. Average time to fill out the assessment is 2 minutes.
This tool not only allows you to see how you rate your own RCA system, but it also allows you to see how you rate against national averages from others who have taken this survey over the years (and allowed us to anonymously compile their data into one common database). The results will also let you know in which areas you were strong and which areas could use some improvement.
Give these complimentary, unbiased tools a chance to help you make your internal business cases. No strings attached:-)
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