Welcome to the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) Exam Preparation Course
This course is exclusively offered to Lockheed Martin employees.
If already registered for the course, please login to view course materials.
LoginCourse Overview
- This online class provides an overview of the CQE Body of Knowledge with lectures, discussions, guided self-study and review of previous CQE exam questions.
- This classroom allows participants to actively participate by drawing on the virtual whiteboard, asking questions on the mic or webchat, taking polls, sharing desktops, and webcam capability. Imagine following a lecture, highlighting or circling your problem areas on the virtual whiteboard, or even presenting tough CQE questions to be answered. You can even e-mail questions to be answered in the next class!
- If you are unable to make the live class, or want to re-view videos from past sessions, you may do so by clicking any course date in the Course Archive (available here as the course progresses).
- This course is designed to supplement the knowledge of the individual having met the requirements for certification and is not designed to teach the entire body of knowledge.
CQE Exam Prerequisites
- You must have eight years of on-the-job experience in one or more of the areas of the Certified Quality Engineer Body of Knowledge. A minimum of three years of this experience must be in a decision-making position. “Decision-making” is defined as the authority to define, execute, or control projects/processes and to be responsible for the outcome. This may or may not include management or supervisory positions.
- If you are now or were previously certified by ASQ as a Reliability Engineer, Quality Auditor, Software Quality Engineer, or Quality Manager, experience used to qualify for certification in these fields often applies to certification as a Quality Engineer.
- If you have completed a degree from a college, university, or technical school with accreditation accepted by ASQ, part of the eight-year experience requirement will be waived. Please consult the details on the ASQ website, http://asq.org/cert/quality-engineer/right-for-you, or call 800-248-1946.
- Register for the CQE exam separately at www.asq.org. Introductory courses in Statistics, Statistical analysis, Risk Analysis, FMEA and Reliability are advisable if you have not covered those topics in depth previously.
Instructor Bio

- Fred is a reliability engineering and management consultant with FMS Reliability, with areas of focus including reliability engineering management, training, and accelerated life testing. Fred is able to bring the experience of over 100 design and maintenance programs to your team.
- He manages and writes a weekly tutorial on the CRE Preparation Notes. It is a free series of articles for those preparing for the CRE & CQE exam or wishing to learn a specific reliability and quality engineering topics. He also manages the LinkedIn CRE Preparation group and encourages you to join the group and take part is the discussion there.
- He is a lecturer with the University of Maryland teaching a graduate level course on reliability engineering management. He earned a master of science degree in statistics at Stanford University in 1996. He earned his bachelors degrees in Physics at the United State Military Academy in 1983.
- Fred has been an active volunteer with a few reliability-focused professional organization and most proud of the ASQ Reliability Division Webinar program and the reliability calendar programs. He is an ASQ CRE and CQE. Fred’s current volunteer work focuses on building the site Accendo Reliability which is learning platform for reliability, quality, and safety engineers. The site includes podcasts, articles, webinars, courses, ebooks, and more.
- He is spearheading the No MTBF movement and encourages you participation. Previously, he co-founded and built the HP corporate reliability program documenting over $100 million in savings.
Online Course Times
Note: These online classes will be recorded and you will be able to access them later even if you cannot make it to the Live class session. This means you may watch them again in case you forget something, miss a class, or can’t make it one day. Saturdays may be scheduled with the instructor for extra sessions or make-up classes if needed.
There are two sections with different dates/times available. If there are a total of less then 20 students the two sections will be combined.
Section 1: Mondays & Thursdays, September 10 – November 8, 2018
Section 2: Tuesdays & Fridays, September 11 – November 9, 2018
All online class sessions are held at 3:00 p.m – 5:00 p.m US Pacific time.
Note: we will skip the week of October 22 thru 26 as Fred has a prior commitment to present at a conference. If there is technical difficulty or unavoidable conflicts and we do not hold a session, Fred will work with the affected students to make up the session at a convenient time.
Each section is limited to a minimum of 5 and maximum of 20 students and we will combine the sections to meet minimum class size.
We may decide to hold additional sessions for Q&A or discussion of sample exam problems depending on interest and scheduling. You are always welcome to email or call Fred at any time to discuss topics within the CQE Body of Knowledge.
Course Details
Prerequisites: Please see above.
Hardware: A basic statistical calculator. Calculators with alpha keyboards or with stored memory are not permitted in the exam.
You must have access to a computer capable of viewing the online classes which is using GotoMeeting.
If you haven’t recently attended a GotoMeeting meeting before, try the following link:
Test your connection: https://support.logmeininc.com/gotomeeting/get-ready
We will schedule a couple ‘let’s make sure this works’ sessions to test and get familiar with the GotoMeeting software that we’ll be using for the class sessions. Details to follow on dates and times for the get the setup meetings.
Software: N/A – as you will not have software tools available during the exam.
Required Materials:
- Pencil & Paper
- A laptop/tablet if you prefer, with online access to view the webinar
- A calculator without an alpha-numeric keyboard
- CQE Primer. Available from the Quality Council of Indiana. To order please go to: www.qualitycouncil.com **Please order at least 2 weeks prior to course to ensure it arrives in time.
Suggested Materials: CQE Electronic Exam CD, is also available on the Quality Council of Indiana website, and similar products are available from The ASQ website under The Quality Press section.
Learning Method: Lectures, teams, case studies, hands on-line approach
Class Time: 32 hours (Every class will be available to watch again in the Archive)
Class Size: 20 participants max per class, class is held online
Facilities: This is an online course, you must provide your own capable computer with internet access in order to participate in this class; you will have the opportunity to ask detailed questions, participate in virtual whiteboard activities by drawing or highlighting problems and questions, access to polls, chat and microphone Q&A, and screen sharing capability.
When I first started preparing for the CQE, I was informed to purchase the CQE handbook (4th edition) …what is in the Primer that not covered in the Handbook?
Hi Richard,
Good question, both cover every topic in the Body of Knowledge. The primer includes worked out sample problems, end of chapter sample exam questions, and in general a lot more information than found in the CQE Handbook. Some say the handbook is sufficient, I’m not so sure and that is why I recommend the primer.
You can try with the handbook if you have it already, the discussions and lectures will follow the primer. I can send you the sample questions if needed.