RCM Task Selection and Frequency
In this episode, I speak with Adam Armstrong from KPMG about the process of selecting a maintenance task using the RCM process. We also explore how we determine the appropriate frequency for the task. We also talk about the importance of defining your failure mode correctly and how it impacts task selection, and some of the common misconceptions of RCM specifically, you always need failure data to determine task periodicity and the distinction between MTBF, Useful life, and the Wear-Out of a component. This episode builds up from episode 13, where we introduce the concept of Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM).
This episode can serve as an excellent guide to understanding what RCM is, and how we use the process of RCM to determine the most effective task at the right frequency. If you have any questions about RCM and want to get in touch with Adam Armstrong you can do so via LinkedIn.
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