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Here’s some more content that you may find of interest:
Reliability Engineering Management
Kindle, 2017
Chris Jackson
This is a textbook that covers both the engineering and management elements of reliable systems. Reliability is an inherently complex field of study, and it is not easy to apply technically or manage practically. This textbook is aimed at both the managers of reliability teams and reliability teams themselves. Many historical catastrophes caused by human-made systems failing are caused by organizational shortcomings.
This book is intended to be a ‘living’ and ‘breathing’ book, continually updated in electronic form to incorporate new and emerging trends in the field.
Speaking of Reliability
Let us address your reliability engineering questions. Gain the experience of your peers and accelerate the improvement of your program and career.
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The links here are for the SOR episodes that Chris co-hosted
Reliability in Emerging Technology
The only thing that doesn’t change is change itself. We are constantly exposed to new and better products, services that are more efficient, and things that generally make our lives better.
But how long will they work for? … and will they be safe?
So what are we to do? The answer involves a healthy dose of historic ‘reliability-principles’ with a blend of tailored approaches that goes (well and truly) beyond a ‘checklist’ or ‘compliance’ approach. So how do we get that mix right? That is the question.
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