We need training that is useful.
All companies train their people. How can you get what you need? What is the most effective approach? Each section below contains a 2-minute video to expand on the topic provided.
We need the training impact to last longer than the class
A company sees a need for training. They set up a class agenda and bring in an instructor. The ratings were good, but no one is using the new information so no value was created. How can they achieve training success and make it stick? This video shows our approach to make it more beneficial and create company value.
What if I need DOE training?
As the training topics become more advanced, selecting an agenda and an instructor become more difficult. What are the warning signs for a poor DOE class? After training people who have been through many other training classes, I have seen a range of themes that characterize the bad classes. Follow these guidelines and your chances for success will certainly increase!
Where is best area to perform training?
Research into training effectiveness shows time is best spent at the edge of capabilities. Aim too low, and nothing is learned. Aim too high, and it is frustrating. And needed knowledge is missed. This requires understanding students and knowing the topic well. We have long taught “on the edge” for best use of time, and maximum benefit to the organization. It is challenging but is rewarding for those involved.
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