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Categories: Terms
Closeness of agreement between a test result or measurement result and the true value. (Reference ISO 3534-2:2006)
Related Articles:
- BiasThe difference between the observed average of measurements (trials under repeatability conditions) and a reference value; historically referred to as accuracy. Bias is evaluated and expressed at a single point within the operating range of the measurement system.
- CalibrationA comparison of a measuring device with a known standard. It is a set of operations that establish, under specified conditions, the relationship between a measuring device (observations of the response variable) and a traceable standard of known reference value and uncertainty (reference state). Calibration may also include steps to detect, correlate, report, or eliminate by adjustment any discrepancy in the accuracy of the measuring device being compared.
- ErrorEither an action that is not intended or desired by the person or a failure on the part of the person to perform a prescribed action within specified limits of accuracy, sequence, or time that does not produce the expected result and has led or has the potential to lead to an unwanted consequence.
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