How CMMS adds Value within Maintenance & Reliability plus Human Stuff
Get all the human stuff and shizzle with two heavy hitters from the maintenance and reliability space. Bob Latino and Ken Latino joined CMMSradio to talk about all things CMMS, maintenance management, culture, and more.
This one deserves a full listen – and less notes. Pure value, real stories, a few laughs, and practical insights to help us all on this amazing maintenance journey. Your CMMS journey matters and ALL of this tuff is right in the middle. Maintenance management, maintenance mindset, with a heavy emphasis on people and process. Enjoy this amazing episode!!! Follow @CMMSradio for updates, episodes, and musings to help us all thrive – No frills, no BS, just real insights. Be sure to connect with these fine fellows at https://prelical.com/ and get some practical reliability consulting from REAL reliability and maintenance experts. They do this work because they love it. Nothing less!!!
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