Chris Peterson, Blogger
Tim Rodgers interviews Chris concerning her blog, Test To Be Your Best and her thoughts on today’s product testing.
Chris Peterson is an instructor at Technology Training, Inc. and others, with over 20 years of experience as a consultant and leader in climatic testing, including HALT and HASS.
Chris is also a past president of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, and she is the chair for three different IEST working groups.
She is a current committee member of the MIL-STD-810 editing team. Chris has been an award-winning advocate for user-friendly specifications and teaches people how to do their testing so the results really mean something.
In this episode, Chris Peterson discusses:
- What’s wrong with how testing is conducted and managed today
- Why testing shouldn’t be considered a “cookbook” or “by-the-numbers” activity
- Using customers to evaluate designs and find defects
- Testing as a team sport
- Helping to maintain morale in testing organizations
Recorded September 2014.

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Show Notes
- Test To Be Your Best
- Technology Training, Inc.
- Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology
- MIL-STD-810g
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