On this week’s webinar, an audience member, who works at a university, asked how they could teach their students the skills that make us good reliability engineers. My answer was pretty typical, the technical skills are easy to teach & learn, but what makes the great reliability engineers is their ability to build a culture. I continued to say that it takes relationship building and lots of donuts.
But why do we always talk about culture when it’s connecting with the individual?
In reliability, we always talk about building culture or having a great culture, why do we never talk about the individual, the person, the human being? We talk about building culture as a way to reach higher availability, lower maintenance costs, more production and more profitability but what about our people? What about how they feel when they come to work? What about their safety, their health and their happiness? Then it hit me.You actually need to care about each individual. Most people & companies don’t.
It takes effort to care. It takes strength to care. It takes compassion to care. It takes vulnerability to care. It takes heart to care.
It’s easy to say build culture, it’s easy to buy donuts but it’s hard to open yourself up and care about the human beings that run your plant. That’s why most organizations struggle with reliability.
I care about you. How are you? How is your family? How has COVID impacted you? Hit reply and let me know. I promise I will reply!
It would mean the world to me if you listened to a bonus podcast that I put out called Love, Connection & Reliability. Let me know what you think!
Reliability Never Sleeps,
Great insight as usual Rob!
Thanks Judd!