In a minute you’ll know if your organisation has what it takes to achieve world class reliability performance. Use this audit tool to gauge your organisation’s capability to deliver outstanding reliability. Use its scale to plan how to improve it.
[Read more…]How ACE 3T Precision for Standard Operating Procedures Was Discovered
How the 3T’s of Human Error Prevention and Mistake Proofing – Target, Tolerance, Test – were Discovered
Human errors and mistakes cause 80 percent of industrial equipment failures. That humans cause most problems has long been known. It has been difficult to find reliable ways to prevent human error, but an Arab craftsman taught me the 3Ts of error prevention and mistake proofing work.
[Read more…]Maintenance Planner Performance-Based Job Description
This job description begins detailing the attributes, skills and knowledge required for a person to competently do the duties of a maintenance planner focused on improving equipment reliability. It uses an outcomes approach to set the standards that must be reached in the performance of the work. It leaves the person doing the job the flexibility and initiative to find their own way to reach those standards.
[Read more…]Business Risk from Equipment Reliability
What Every Manager Needs to Know About Business Risk from Equipment Reliability
Figure 1 shows how equipment risks start and transfer through a business. Tens of thousands of business risks, even hundreds of thousands in big operations, come from your plant and machinery.
[Read more…]Do You Contract Your Maintenance – Yes or No?
Guest post By Arnold (Arnie) F. Newland, CMRP
I have led internal maintenance teams towards world class reliability, I have outsourced specialized maintenance functions (predictive technologies) and I have worked with companies outsourcing all maintenance.
Maintenance outsourcing continues to grow with 65% of large companies outsourcing some maintenance..but perhaps for the wrong reasons.
Show All The Total Losses of Breakdowns
A good way to change mindsets and behaviors toward preventing forced outages and stoppages is to show everyone in the operation the total business losses of breakdowns.
It is incredible what the total business losses of breakdowns can rise too. Plant and equipment breakdowns are ultimately due to having wrong thinking and doing wrong practices. In this response to an FAQ, I advise to tell your people the true costs of breakdowns. Let them share the pain and loss suffered by the business and start them thinking of better ways to care for their operating assets.
[Read more…]The Effect of Managers and Supervisors on Organizational Success
Abstract: Do the reliability math on organizational structure design, and in a militaristic silo configuration you’ll see that managers have a huge influence on their departments performance. But what is most surprising is that supervisors in silo groups have more than double their manager’s impact on their group’s success. Managers making poor and wrong choices will cause serious trouble. But supervisors who get decisions wrong cause catastrophe.
[Read more…]Case Study Pipeline Proactive Failure Prevention Analysis
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[Read more…]I am contacting you to make you aware of Request, RFP# 68250, “Breakthrough Technologies for Pipeline Leak Detection.”
We invite proposals for breakthrough technologies for pipeline leak prevention, detection, and remediation. We have identified you as a party with the potential expertise to respond to this request.
Beware of the Mean Time Between Failure Calculation Trap
An MTBF calculation is often done to generate an indicator of plant and equipment reliability. An MTBF value is the average time between failures. There are serious dangers with the use of MTBF that need to be addressed when you do an MTBF calculation.
Take a look at the diagram below representing a period in the life of an imaginary production line. What is the MTBF formula to use for the period of interest to represent the production line’s reliability over that time? [Read more…]
Designing with Physics of Failure
When engineers design a machinery part, they begin by defining the operating load range it will experience during its service life. This range will include the loads when the machine part is not working through to the maximum stress that it will operate under. Examples of high stress situations include operating overload events, or when starting up under a large load. How great the imposed stress reaches and how often those events occur changes a part’s reliability.
[Read more…]Maintenance Backlog Management in a Nutshell
Guest post by David Finch, MSc, MIEAust, CEng, FSOE, AIMM
Maintenance Work Backlog Management: a Start in Managing Maintenance! A maintenance manager can commence a maintenance improvement programme by simply creating opportunities for individuals and groups to make high performance contributions. One way to do this is to manage the Maintenance Backlog.
[Read more…]Interactive Information for Human Error Prevention and Mistake Proofing in Maintenance
Human error causes 80% of plant and equipment failures. It is the single factor, which if controlled, makes the most difference to achieving world class equipment reliability and operational success. With the introduction of low cost communication and visual devices it is now possible to assist maintenance workers proactively prevent human error. By using interactive audio-visual devices workers can be coached through a job error-free to get right-first-time quality every time.
Strategic Maintenance Planning and Comprehensive Risk Abatement
Guest post by B.D. McLaughlin, ScD, MInstrP
Using a comprehensive and inclusive definition, risk may be defined as the cost of “failure to add value” per unit time. Such failure includes performance deficiencies for employees, equipment, material and method. It includes the types of “failure to add value” comprising traditional waste such as overproduction, wait time, transportation, processing, inventory, motion and defects. It includes the cost of injury, litigation and damage to company reputation. It encompasses the total cost of failure and not just the cost of remediation. You must minimize risk to stay competitive. Risk is consuming the hidden wealth of your enterprise. It is disguised and concealed as the “cost of doing business.”
How Big Fortunes Are Made with the Plant Wellness Way
Let a Plant Wellness Way EAM System-of-Reliability halve your Annual Maintenance Costs
A Plant Wellness Way enterprise asset management system is a powerful solution for world class enterprise asset management (EAM) success. There are three scenarios when it is justifiable for a business to adopt PWW EAM as your company’s EAM methodology.
[Read more…]Adopt New Technology, and Hasten the Adoption of New Technology
Users of the Plant Wellness Way EAM methodology use accuracy-controlled procedures to turn their company into an Accuracy Controlled Enterprise: a quality driven, “learning organization” effectively using useful technologies.