Guest Post by Malcolm Peart (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
“Any decision is better than No Decision” goes the Law of Decision making. However, sitting on the fence, humming and hawing, chewing the cud, weighing every option, exploring every avenue and leaving no stone unturned can, and often does, eventually amount to, at the end of the day, and in its cold light, without beating about the bush, or wasting any more time…indecision.
Indecision, at least for those affected, leads to a number of things including frustration, demotivation, and anger. These feelings are not felt by those who dwell in indecision as they are blissfully unaware and are ignorantly oblivious as to the adverse effects of their procrastination. They are also incognizant as to their responsibility for wasting everybody’s precious time as well as being bewilderingly ignorant that a definitive decision to do nothing may allow for some productive work elsewhere. But they would rather keep people on tenterhooks and in a state of limbo and avoid any gainful and concurrent activity. Productivity for them is of no consequence…people can always catch up later…or can they?!
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