It doesn’t matter if you’re an executive at your company, if you’re a coach of a sports team or if you have an important role at your church. We are all leaders.
I used to think I wasn’t a leader because I didn’t have any direct reports. I thought leadership was all about hierarchical authority.
I was wrong.
Leadership is about coaching, teaching, engaging and influencing the people around us so they can achieve their highest potential. We all have people around us so we all have the potential to be leaders.
We need to believe that we are leaders.
Once I started to believe that I was a leader, it changed how I’ve been showing up for you. It’s changed our relationship and it’s increased the impact that I’ve had on you. My content has shifted towards topics that truly matter; mental health, connection, love, vulnerability, people & leadership. I know my impact has increased because I get messages from people all over the world that I have touched. Believing that you are a leader is the first step. I talk more about Why You Are a Leader on this podcast.
If you want to learn more about how you can become a High-Impact Leader, sign up for this webinar on August 12 with my leadership mindset coach, Susan Hobson. We’ll have a special announcement to make and I am excited to bring it to you!
Reliability Never Sleeps,
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