3D Printing Impact on Supply Chain and Reliability
Tim and Fred discuss the emergence of 3D printing, and some of the implications to supply chains and product reliability testing.
Key Points
Join Tim and Fred as they discuss how 3D printing is changing product development processes, and how that affects the current role of suppliers.
Topics include:
- Applications of 3D printing for rapid prototyping, field repair, and functional integration.
- How will traditional suppliers adapt to 3D printing?
- How 3D printed parts can help shorten time-t0-market and accelerate reliability testing.
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability, where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics.
Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques to field data analysis approaches.

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Show Notes
For additional information about 3D printing, check out the link below:
The Limits of 3D Printing – Harvard Business Review
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