How Important is Reliability
Kirk and Fred discussing the value of reliability in consumer electronics in comparison to the rapid technological improvements.
Key Points
Join Kirk and Fred as they discuss Kirk’s recent upgrade of his own personal technology from older HDTV displays to current UHD (Ultra-high definition) TVs. This leads to the discussion of the the overall importance of reliability in rapidly improving technologies.
Topics include:
- Lack of reliability testing information or quantified reliability in consumer electronics
- The rapid technological improvements and cost reductions of electronics
- the rapid consolidation of hardware and software features and functions helps increase overall reliability
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques, to field data analysis approaches.

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Show Notes
For more information about Kirk, please visit his website at www.acceleratedreliabilitysolutions.com
Here is a link to the new book by Kirk Gray and John Paschkewitz, “Next Generation HALT and HASS: Robust Design of Electronics and Systems”
I heard the new podcast. I had the same DLP TV as Kirk. I think I kept mine for almost 10 years, but for me it was lamp failures that drove me crazy. Kirk said that his never failed, so he dodged that bullet. It’s very easy to replace the lamps, but very expensive ! I had to replace it twice, and when it failed again, I simply replaced the whole TV instead of another $200+ lamp.
Thanks for listening and adding a comment David. very much appreciated. I wonder if 10 years was long enough to get sufficient value from the device (TV in this case)? Is the price point linked to expected duration or something else? cheers, Fred