How Robust to Accidents Does a Product Need to Be?
Kirk and Fred discussing the continued issue of how tough and robust does a product have to be or should be for their markets.
Key Points
Join Kirk and Fred as they discuss the challenge of manufacturers determining how robust a consumer product needs to be.
Topics include:
- How do customers determine which products will be reliable?
- How a good design includes protection against misuse, such as a kitchen blender having motor burn up instead of tripping a overload protection circuit.
- How the perception of higher price products are more reliable may not be true and how Timex watches marketed against this belief.
- How product convergence, such as the critical apps we use on a smartphone, makes reliability of these devices even more critical today.
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques, to field data analysis approaches.

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For more information about Kirk’s Consulting services, please see his Accelerated Reliability Solutions website please click here
To see or purchase Kirk’s new book co-authored with John Paschkewitz, “Next Generation HALT and HASS: Robust Design of Electronics and Systems” please click on this link.
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