SOR 506 Encountering a Radical Idea
Kirk discusses his experiences in semiconductor manufacturing and systems manufacturing that led him to an understanding and agreement of the radical ideas that Gregg Hobbs was proposing with HALT and HASS methods.
Key Points
Join Kirk as he discusses his experience and long working experience with Gregg Hobbs, PhD. , who originated the methods of HALT and HASS through testing to empirical limits and using those limits to apply to find weaknesses that will cause failures in time.
Topics include:
- The significant intrinsic strength in electronics materials
- Most product failures are due to misuse or error in design or manufacturing and not intrinsic wear out mechanisms, especially in the first several months or years of use.
- The only way to improve the reliability of a product is to understand why it is unreliable in the field.
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques to field data analysis approaches.

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Show Notes
Here is the link to the US ARMY/CALCE PAPER presented at the 2013 RAMS conference event mentioned in this podcast– “Reliability Prediction – A Continued Reliance on a Misleading Approach” . This is a government document that is in the public domain and should be distributed a read by any engineer that believes failure prediction methodology is useful or beneficial during product development.
Here is a link to Kirk’s book co-authored with John J. Paschkewitz available from Amazon “Next Generation HALT and HASS: Robust Design of Electronics and Systems”
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