The four-part series of communication tips on “How to Ask Better Questions.” The primary audience is technical professionals who serve as facilitators of team collaboration. However, the approaches and techniques apply to just about anyone. This series summary of helpful tips and insight, including a brief description and a link to each article.
#1 Why Facilitators Should Ask Questions When They Think They Know the Answer
What impact are you aiming for as a facilitator? Are you looking to guide the group toward understanding, or are you merely asserting dominance with your knowledge? Assessing the significance of arriving at a predetermined answer versus fostering an environment of collaboration and openness is essential. Asking clarifying questions is one of the most powerful tools in the facilitation toolbox. Resolve to ask better questions.
#2 Facilitation & Collaboration:10 Proven Tips For Asking Great Questions
These are 10 tips (actually 11) for asking better questions. These tips are true in all environments, but their focus in this series is on technical and business environments. Asking great questions will help you collaborate, improve your facilitation skills, and communicate better with professional colleagues.
#3 How Technical Facilitators Can Avoid Provoking Others When Asking Questions
This article provides ways to improve your questioning techniques and build more meaningful, effective facilitation. There are situations where provocative questions can be more effective. However, the bottom line is that avoiding pissing off others when asking questions is important to maintain respect, productive communication, and professional relationships.
#4 Collaboration & Questions: Remember It’s a Long Game
The approach of facilitators to asking questions is fundamentally different from that of short-term persuaders or manipulators. Empathy and putting the needs of the participants above your own are key to effective collaboration. You get one shot at when it comes to developing rapport and relationships as a facilitator. Asking questions about big decisions with complexity and uncertainty is a long game.
Ask Better Questions to Facilitate with FINESSE!
I intended to write four, But because my fingers have five, I considered writing one more. But boredom set in, and my pen hit the floor, Four brief articles were enough, I decided to write no more.
Are you asking good questions? Are you Communicating with FINESSE? Are you Facilitating with FINESSE?
JD Solomon Inc. provides solutions for program development, asset management, and facilitation at the nexus of facilities, infrastructure, and the environment. Visit our Facilitation page for more information related all types of facilitation. Subscribe for bi-monthly updates related to our firm.
The elements of the FINESSE fishbone diagram® are Frame, Illustrate, Noise reduction, Empathy, Structure, Synergy, and Ethics. Communicating with FINESSE is a not-for-profit community of technical professionals dedicated to being highly effective communicators and facilitators. Learn more about our publications, webinars, and workshops. Join the community for free.
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