This week’s podcast (released April 7) and this week’s newsletter feature my leadership & mindset coach, Susan Hobson. Since, we’ve all been thrust into uncertainty and our lives have been changed, Susan is offering her new online program, Launchpad, to the Rob’s Reliability Project community at 75% off to help you level up during this time. The offer expires April 12th at midnight Eastern so check it out now. I’ve had some big breakthroughs working with Susan and I will be putting together something special for my community who sign up for the program. Check it out here! Reliability Never Sleeps,
From Susan Hobson:
The Year of 2020 Vision
The year of 2020 was said to be “the year of 2020 vision.” Boy oh boy, is this one creative universal assignment we’ve been given to help us seek greater clarity.
Ask me a month ago, and I would have told you that my 2020 vision was set – lots of brain training, meditating and journaling at the end of 2019, and I felt locked and loaded on how I was going to realize it too.
Now, here I sit, in total isolation, for who knows how long…and I have to ask myself, “what happens to my vision and my game plans to make it happen now?”
I don’t believe that this is what I meant back in January when I proclaimed that 2020 was going to be a game changer year.
But here we are – collectively thrust outside of our comfort zones, out into the unknown overnight, left in shock, in a frenzy for toilet paper, and not aloud to leave our homes or go to our businesses or to see our friends.
Typically the unknown is not a fun place to be for human beings – change, even just a little, is incredibly hard for our brains to adjust and adapt to. This type of resistance triggers feelings of fear, anxiety and doubt. Change on this universal a level however – well that can hit us like an emotional tsunami.
Change, especially this much, this quickly, this hard, has left people I’ve spoken to feeling incredibly overwhelmed. I’ve seen rage, I’ve seen sadness, I’ve seen powerlessness and I’ve seen numbness. Basically feeling completely out of control.
That’s the impact a crises of this magnitude can have – human beings hate to feel loss on any level, and yet here we are left to collectively mourn and grieve the loss of the travel plans we made, the things we were setting out to grow, the end of our children’s school year, our 2020 game plans – and left to choose.
Who do we want to be on the other side of this tsunami of change?
Do we want to hide out in our bunker physically and emotionally? So that when it’s time to get back in the game we are washed up to shore, stumbling to get back up? Or do we want to dig into the adversity so that we can find the opportunity here to grow?
The vision I locked onto back in January as I hit the new ground running, is still crystal clear, locked away in my subconscious mind. The plans I made to get there however have now got to change.
As human beings, the only way to stay resilient so that we can best navigate this storm, is to pivot your game plans and immediately dial into the variables you CAN control. That’s the key to staying in process with your goals so that you continue to progress.
As a pro-athlete, I was always disciplined to believe that I would make my biggest gains in the off-season. So adapting my training was a skill I had to develop pretty early on.
It’s no different for me now – I’m a single mom, I run a business, employ a wonderful team, and manage my Crohn’s disease. The only choice I see in front of me is to pivot, quickly adapt and stay focused on what I CAN do in isolation to protect my ROG (rate of growth).
I know we will make it through this – and I choose to believe that we will be collectively better, healthier, stronger, wiser, kinder and even clearer (it is still the year of 2020 vision after all). When everything is uncertain, it tends to make the important things in life more clear.
It’s mindset strategies like these that will help us turn this storm into a launchpad for our 2020 growth. What you focus on WILL become your reality (that’s how mindset works), and you CAN control what you choose to focus on.
I hope you’ll answer the collective call with me to focus on what you can do to continue growing, bettering yourself, bettering your families, your businesses, your health – true leaders rise up in a crisis and we all now are called to lead, isolated in our homes yes, but the ripple effect of this mindset will be felt worldwide and will ultimately determine how this plays out for us all.
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