Statistics is the language of variation. Everything varies, and we use variance (σ2) to describe the spread of the data. For any experimental work aimed at making improvements, whether in the design, manufacturing process or field performance, there are two ways to make improvements. Move the center of the distribution, or reduce the spread of the data. [Read more…]
Articles tagged Hypothesis testing
A set of statistical techniques that make a comparison of a population of items compared to a specification or to another population. Example specific techniques include the t-test to compare a mean to a specification or to another mean using samples, F-test to compare variances, and box plots to graphically compare two samples or populations. Hypothesis testing provides a means to quantify the detection of a statistically significant difference.
Hypothesis Tests for Proportion
This is also called the “p test”
When comparing proportions that are from a population with a fixed number of independent trials and each trial has a constant probability of one or another outcome (Bernoulli experiments) then we can use a p test. p is the probability of success, and 1-p is the probability of failure. Caution: stay consistent once you define success otherwise, like me, you’ll have a bit of confusion. n is the number of trials. [Read more…]
Degradation Hypothesis
This week I received a question from the ASQ Librarian concerning a person’s question about one of the CRE Question bank questions. It was a nice two-part question concerning a hypothesis test of a sample means value and degradation.
Here’s the question as sent over for consideration. [Read more…]
Hypothesis Test Sample Size
Hypothesis testing permits us to compare two groups of items and determine if there is a significant difference or not. There are many types of hypothesis tests depending on the specific question, type of data, and what is or is not known when designing the test. [Read more…]
Hypothesis Testing
This week in our CRE Test Prep class/webinar we covered the Advance Statistics section of the CRE Primer, and I felt great that we stayed an hour more going over these though topics.
One of the topics was Hypothesis Testing.
Let me share some of the questions that arose during that section. [Read more…]