Yesterday, I got a question from the subject matter expert (SME) for one of the equipment types for which I manage the capital strategy. He asked me who was in charge of the operating scope (when and how long to run the equipment). My first reaction was that it was supposed to be him.
It wasn’t him.
My second reaction was to forward him along to another engineer who has more insight into the equipment.
It wasn’t him either.
The SME told me that the engineer only was responsible for maintenance & reliability of the equipment. He then followed that statement up with something like this:
It’s ridiculous that the 3 of us can’t answer who’s job this is.
Clarifying who’s responsible for what and not replicating the same work (another common problem) are easy ways to build trust and engagement on your team. The inverse is also a quick way to lose engagement and trust. That’s what I saw yesterday.
Do you know what your role is? Do you know the roles of colleagues that interface with your scope? Does your company do duplicate work because of lack in role clarity? Do you do anything that’s out of scope of your role? Hit reply and let me know! I promise I will reply to you!
Reliability Never Sleeps,
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