What is the difference between FMEA and FMECA? Are they the same or different? The answer may surprise you. Let’s explore this topic.
SOR 872 Design Process Blindspots
Design Process Blindspots
Carl and Fred discussing the interesting subject of “blind spots,” and how they can impede good designs.
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SOR 871 Giving and a Reliability Career
Giving and a Reliability Career
Carl and Fred discussing how focusing on helping others can enhance your reliability career and provide a sense of community.
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SOR 868 Reliability Engineering and AI
Reliability Engineering and AI
Carl and Fred discussing the integration of artificial intelligence with the tools and procedures of reliability engineering.
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SOR 867 Identify Key Decisions
Identify Key Decisions
Carl and Fred discussing the integration of reliability activities with engineering decisions, and how to enhance this important intersection.
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Application of Quantitative Criticality Analysis in FMEA
Some defense-related applications require a special type of criticality analysis, called Quantitative Criticality Analysis to supplement FMEA applications. This is the “C” in what is called FMECA: Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis. I’ll shorten Criticality Analysis to CA in this article.
What is Quantitative CA? When and why it is used? Can Quantitative Criticality Analysis be used in commercial applications?
SOR 858 Reliability Predictions and FMEA Occurrence
Reliability Predictions and FMEA Occurrence
Carl and Fred discussing a reader question about FMEAs. Specifically, whether reliability predictions (for similar systems) are valid input to the Occurrence rating in an FMEA.
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FMEA Recommended Actions – Insights and Advices
Did you know that early FMEA standards did not include recommendations to reduce risk? They limited the analysis to the technical risk, without making specific recommendations. The first time I am aware of that an FMEA standard added a column called “Recommended Actions” was in 1993. Thankfully, it is common practice today to include Recommended Actions in FMEAs.
But what makes for excellent Recommended Actions and what is their role in an FMEA? We’ll begin with the fundamentals.
SOR 854 Reliability Gap Assessment
Reliability Gap Assessment
Carl and Fred discussing the second step in achieving high reliability: “Develop a Reliability Gap Assessment.”
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SOR 853 Reliability Strategic Vision
Reliability Strategic Vision
Carl and Fred discussing the first step in achieving high reliability: “Develop a Reliability Strategic Vision.”
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Risk Prioritization in FMEA – a Summary
Every FMEA team needs to prioritize risk as part of the procedure. Why? Because companies or organizations have limited resources that must be focused on highest risk. The question becomes, by what method should we prioritize the risk identified in an FMEA?
FMEA Occurrence Risk- Insights and Advices
One of the more challenging aspects of FMEA is the subject of Occurrence. Part of every FMEA standard or procedure is the assessment of Occurrence based on an agreed-upon scale. Here are some pointers for when and how to use occurrence in an FMEA.
We’ll start with a definition. The Oxford English dictionary defines “occurrence” as “the fact or frequency of something happening.”
SOR 834 Reliability Assumptions
Reliability Assumptions
Carl and Fred discussing the broad subject of assumptions, and how they impact reliability analysis and applications. When are assumptions good and when are they questionable?
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SOR 833 FMEA Occurrence Question
FMEA Occurrence Question
Carl and Fred discussing a question received by an Inside FMEA reader on the subject of FMEA occurrence rating.
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FMEA Detection Risk: Insights and Advices
I am often asked about the application of detection in FMEAs. When and how to assess for the risk of detection can be confusing. Here are some pointers for when and how to use detection in an FMEA.