Why is Reliability a Process?
Carl and Fred discuss the process of reliability, which also happens to be the name of their new book. They answer the question “why is reliability a process”? and discuss what happens if reliability is only approached as a series of methods.
Key Points
Join Carl and Fred as they discuss the process steps to attaining high reliability and the principles behind the steps.
Topics include:
- Is there a set formula for achieving reliability?
- What will influence decisions to add the most value?
- What will guide the team to make the best products?
- Everything in life is a process; cooking is a process
- Stepping back and determining the specific steps to achieve reliability
- Measure how well you achieve your reliability goals
- Each step in the 6-step process to achieve high reliability requires knowing the principles behind the step.
- People who take the time to learn the process of reliability will do well
- Always ask why you are doing a method or step
- Passing a test vs understanding why you are testing
- There is a place for standards, but they have limitations; you need to know the principle behind the standard
- There is no “bulletproof” standard
- The process of learning is making and learning from mistakes
- If you are a mentor or instructor, don’t just tell your student what to do, ask them what to do and why.
- Always begin with the vision for where you are headed
- Fred and Carl discussed the possibility of hosting a webinar on “the process of reliability” with an interactive forum, encouraging lost of questions. Price of entry is bring one question.
Enjoy an episode of Speaking of Reliability. Where you can join friends as they discuss reliability topics. Join us as we discuss topics ranging from design for reliability techniques to field data analysis approaches.

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