For conscientious plant managers and production leaders, achieving successful and sustainable Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) is a top priority. TPM is the key to reducing downtime, preventing breakdowns, and ensuring top-notch product quality during the process of manufacturing maintenance. But how do you put a TPM plan into action, and what steps should you follow to seamlessly integrate it into your existing operations and maintenance procedures? Keep reading, and we’ll break down what TPM is, how to implement it step by step, and why it matters. [Read more…]
Weibull Probability Plotting of Complete Data
This video explains step-by-step procedure for probability plotting of failure data. Probability plotting is a technique used to determine whether given data of failures follows a distribution. The video also explains various types of failure data: complete, right censored, left censored and interval censored data. Viewers can try Weibull Probability Plotting to estimate shape parameter beta and scale parameter Eta. The video also shows how to estimate median rank for complete data.
[Read more…]Are RCM, FMEA, FMECA, and CBM Independent Processes?
Do you ever mutter to yourself: “Reliability Centered Maintenance, FMEA, FMECA, and CBM? I’m so confused! Where do I even start?” If so, don’t skip this one!
[Read more…]Ancient Japanese Text Contained A Warning For 2011 Fukushima Disaster
Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku – is an ancient Japanese text compiled in 901.
It talks about an earthquake and Tsunami that occurred in 869:
“Then the sea began roaring like a big thunderstorm. The sea surface rose up and the huge waves attached the land”
People died in landslide or were crushed by the collapse of their homes.
[Read more…]Two Books Help Reliability Engineers Communicate and Collaborate
These two books help technical professionals improve their communication and collaboration skills. Employers seek soft skills across the many market sectors to complement the technical skills they assume are present. These two groundbreaking books provide the fuel to propel your career.
Facilitating with FINESSE
The results of our work often depend on the quality of the facilitation. Facilitating with FINESSE addresses ways to improve interactive, peer-to-peer communication when working in teams.
The book provides the techniques to facilitate ten different technical applications from good to great. [Read more…]
What Interests My Boss Fascinates Me
In this episode, we will discuss tips for applying leadership support to promote a reliability culture in your plant.
by Ken Latino
[Read more…]Using RAM models for Criticality Analysis – Advantages and Limitations
Introduction to RAM Models and Criticality Analysis
Building a Reliability, Availability and Maintainability (RAM) model can provide numerous benefits to an Asset Management program. This includes conducting a Criticality Analysis. Criticality Analysis involves ranking assets based on their potential risk to the organization. It considers risk categories such as Production Impact, Safety, Environment, and Reputation, amongst others. The category list can vary and is a reflection of the organization’s structure. Organizations generally have a finite financial pool allocated to preserving asset function. A Criticality Analysis helps optimize the allocation of resources to each asset according to its importance in the system network. Ultimately this helps maximize revenue, minimize spend and maintain the organization’s license to operate.
[Read more…]First Impressions
Note: This first article in the NoMTBF campaign was published on April 1st, 2009. Thus, we’ve been at this and making progress for a long time and come a long was since starting the NoMTBF campaign. I am looking forward to your comments, contributions, and suggestions.
At first, MTBF seems like a commonly used and valuable measure of reliability. Trained as a statistician and understanding the use of the expected value that MTBF represented, I thought, ‘Cool, this is useful.’
Then, the discussions with engineers, technical sales folks, and other professionals about reliability using MTBF started. And the awareness that not everyone, and at times it seems very few, truly understood MTBF and how to properly use the measure.
[Read more…]SAE JA1011 Standard
Article first posted at Conscious Reliability by James Reyes-Picknell, Jesus Sifonte, and team.
Evaluation Criteria for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Processes
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, one of the accepted definitions for standard is: “something established by authority, custom, or general consent as a model, for example.” In our case, a standard comprises a document or sets of documents providing requirements, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure that materials, products, processes, and services fit their purpose. There exist international standards on quality (ISO 9,000), risk (ISO 31,000), environment (ISO 14,000), energy (ISO 50,000), management and many other fields providing information and guidance on the practices, methods, and processes designed by groups of highly qualified international experts. Most technical field professionals utilize international standards to base their practice on trusted mathematically and/or scientifically proven methods. Trial and error are no longer acceptable out of the laboratory anymore today. But, lessons learned from its practice in conjunction with regretful real-life incidents and accidents provide knowledge on their risks, mitigation, and prevention. Most asset and maintenance management best practices and techniques are standard-driven, meaning they have been carefully defined and established. The SAE JA1011 Standard on Evaluation Criteria for Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) Process has an exciting background, including disappointing and successful stories before its principles were conceived and eventually incorporated into an international engineering standard.
[Read more…]Is ERM the Solution to Climate Change?
Guest Post by James Kline (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
The 2022 Global Risk Report is the 17th risk assessment report. The preface to the report notes: “The 17th edition of the Global Risk Report identifies tensions that will results from diverging trajectories and approaches within and between countries and then examines the risk that could arise from such tensions.” (1)
The results of the survey have substantive implications as the above notes. These implications go beyond diverging trajectories and approaches, to something more fundamental. That is whether the survey has any probative value. This piece discusses the results of the survey. It also examines its probative value.
[Read more…]Adopt New Technology, and Hasten the Adoption of New Technology
Users of the Plant Wellness Way EAM methodology use accuracy-controlled procedures to turn their company into an Accuracy Controlled Enterprise: a quality driven, “learning organization” effectively using useful technologies.
Time Series vs. Actuarial Forecasts?
Time series forecasts are easy to make and data are available. They’re like driving while looking in the rear-view mirror. A survey listed 31 forecasting software programs: none actuarial [Yurkewicz]. Actuarial failure forecasts are less biased and are more precise than time series failure forecasts, because actuarial failure forecasts use age-specific failure rates. How much better?
The example in this article shows the 5% to 95% time series confidence interval width is 44.78 vs. the nonparametric actuarial Kaplan-Meier actuarial forecast width of 12.63, from grouped failure data, and actuarial forecast width of 15.45, from ships and returns counts.
[Read more…]Life Data Analysis of Complete Data Using Minitab
In this video, Hemant Urdhwareshe discusses how to analyse complete data of failures to identify distribution, identify distribution parameters, estimate reliability at a specified time using Minitab (version 19) software. The file used in the video can be downloaded here: Reliability
[Read more…]Maintenance and Reliability Best Practices: Block Diagrams
Ramesh Gulati and George Williams discuss Block Diagrams
[Read more…]Free Safety And Reliability Resources
A listing of online tools and resources that may interest safety or reliability professionals. Always check how well the tools work before using for serious decisions.
[Read more…]