We sit down with Adrian Messer to discuss ultrasound and UE Systems new OnTrak system
[Read more…]The Keys To Successful RCM Implementation
If you have attended any Maintenance and Reliability conference in the last several years, chances are you have seen a presentation on the struggles of RCM implementation. Most present that over 70% of companies who attempt to get started with Reliability Centered Maintenance fail to implement the recommended mitigating tasks identified in their analysis.
[Read more…]What Happened?
As many of you know, I have been encouraging my LI contacts for years to take me up on my offer to review any pictures they have of failed parts, and we would try and provide them some preliminary feedback. Well, someone finally took us op on the offer and we wanted to share what was learned (we obtained permission to do so providing the company name was not used).
Here was the original inquiry via LI instant messenger along with the pictures:
“Dear Sir, As per your advise, I’m sending you a photo of failed flange bolts. I belief they were failed due to fatigue. Could you please review them and identify/ label their failure mode. After your comments on this photo, I’ll put up a recommendation on my RCA. Looking forward to hear from you. Regards.”
[Read more…]Building a Recommended Course of Action
How to Translate an Assessment into an Action Plan
An assessment was performed and many opportunities identified, but it has been three months, and nothing has changed. Does this sound familiar? As discussed in a previous post, the goal of an assessment is to identify gap to best practices and provide the basis to develop a plan to move forward. However, many times an assessment is performed, the results put into a binder and put on the shelf (does this sound like your RCM initiative?).
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Business Case Estimator Insights
Our business case estimator insights show you both savings and earnings potential for improvements in maintenance and reliability. If you are reading this, you probably think there is some opportunity to improve your operational reliability and maintenance performance. You might want to create a business case for change that you can use to get senior management approval and funding. You are in the right place. We’ve created the tools for you to do that, they are readily accessible and inexpensive (the first step is even free). After a period of isolation and/or skeleton staffing, you can probably see problems that may be more hidden when operating with a full staff. Now is a good time to address those to bring performance up as a part of your “new normal”. [Read more…]
Finding Certainty in an Uncertain Future
Guest Post by Daniel Burrus (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
In many ways, I am sure society is well aware of certain leadership principles that have stood the test of time in business environments. Personality traits such as integrity, honesty, and responsibility immediately come to mind; however, in a disruptive world, there are more that, many do not realize, are vital to professional success to find certainty.
[Read more…]How Undetected Process Changes Can Impair Product Reliability
SPC and Reliability
We often think of Statistical Process Control as a tool to help drive product quality by informing us when process changes occur. By systematically detecting (and rectifying) sources of special cause variation upstream in the process, the important process outcomes become predictable. Furthermore, a focus on reducing common cause variation drives higher levels of process capability and more consistent product performance. [Read more…]
Interview with Jeff Hay, CEO of RDI Technologies
Quick interview with Jeff Hay, CEO of RDI Technologies.
[Read more…]Is There a Direct Correlation Between Reliability & Safety?
“Assumption 1: Safety is increased by increasing system or component reliability. If components or systems do not fail, then accidents will not occur. (p. 7)
This assumption is one of the most pervasive in engineering and other fields. The problem is that it is not true.
Safety is a system property, not a component property, and must be controlled at the system level, not the component level.
New Assumption 1: High reliability is neither necessary nor sufficient for safety. (p.13)”
These statements were excerpted from Nancy Leveson’s “Engineering a Safer World“.
This contradicts the common belief there is a direct correlation between Safety and Reliability. I personally, being in the Reliability field for 30+ years, believe there is a correlation between Reliability and Safety. But I would assert that it is not a direct correlation.
[Read more…]Failure Analysis – Root Cause Analysis
The information collected in the Storm Packer (SP) failure (Information) will establish:
- The timeline of events – which activity(s) preceded each significant event?
- 3rd party impacts (process, products).
- Product readiness at the time of installation.
- Product suitability for the application.
- Crew competency.
Be Audit Ready: How to Ensure Your Maintenance Program Can Stand Up to Regulators
When was the last time you were involved with a regulatory body? I can remember a time when a millwright was involved in an incident in our maintenance shop. He was using a 20″-disc grinder when the piece of steel he was grinding got caught and pulled his hand into the grinding wheel. He was off for a quite a few weeks, but he did not sustain any long-term injuries.
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Solving Problems Before They Occur
Guest Post by Patrick Ow (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
How to get better results by solving problems before they occur in a fragile world
When people think of problem-solving, their mind may instinctively jump to thoughts of things that are broken or things that need fixing.
Problem to most people is a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome. [Read more…]
What I’m learning about Online Training
Online training is actually a pretty good way to go! For me, that’s a revelation. The isolation and distancing measures being imposed due to the Corona Virus pandemic have been a game-changer in our business and personally. In the process of shifting training content to online formats, I’ve learned a lot.
My conclusion is that online training isn’t just an alternative to the “real thing”, it can actually be a better experience.
[Read more…]Optimizing Product Target Weights of Foods and Beverages
In order to maximize profitability while complying with government regulations regarding net package contents, food manufacturers and packagers must achieve an optimal balance. Consistent overfilling to minimize risk is inefficient and sacrifices profitability, while aggressive filling practices result in significant risks of non-compliance with net contents regulations leading to potential penalties, loss of reputation, and impaired customer relations. Statistical process control and process capability methods may be utilized to determine optimal targets for product fill weights or volumes for a given process. Subsequent focused efforts to minimize variation will allow the target to be further optimized, resulting in less waste without compromising risk. [Read more…]
Upkeep Keynote 23FEB2021
Keynote address given for the 2021 UpKeep “The Maintenance Community” career development
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