Select the Right Accelerated Life Test Approach
There are many reasons to use accelerated testing and just as many ways to conduct the testing.
Matching and balancing cost, risk, and results takes some skill.
Let’s talk about the key elements to consider so you select the best approach for your test.
There are times when we have to evaluate the reliability performance of a system or component.
Accelerated testing is a useful tool, or rather set of tools, that allow us to cheat time. Accelerated testing ranges from simple time compression methods to complex modeling building techniques to degradation tracking.
Each approach has benefits and issues.
Let’s explore the range of possibilities and how you can select the right approach for each test.
Getting meaningful results is important, as is minimizing testing costs, and getting results on time.
Considering your constraints and objectives is one way to match the approach to your situation to create the right test plan.
More a discussion than a lecture, this free webinar is our chance to talk about accelerated testing.
This Accendo Reliability webinar originally broadcast on 9 December 2014.

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To view the recorded webinar and slides visit the webinar page.
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Select the Right Accelerated Life Test Approach
Let's explore how to select the right ALT approach. Getting meaningful results on time is important, as is minimizing testing costs.

How to Create an ALT Plan
How to Create an ALT Plan: Discussion about the basic element necessary to create an accelerated life test (ALT) plan

Fundamentals of ALT
A description of why and how to accomplish ALT, accelerated life testing, to support better decision making in your organization.

Three Approaches to Accelerated Life Testing
In my experience, ALT has three basic approaches: Test to pass, test to failure, and degradation testing. Each fits a specific situation.

Acceleration Factors with Examples
Acceleration factors translate one stress level to another, which is rather useful for accelerated life test interpretation.

How to Plan an ALT
Let's explore the many elements that become inputs to creating a plan for your next accelerated life test.

What is Accelerated Life Testing or ALT?
This webinar will introduce you to Accelerated Life Testing or ALT to help you and your organization make reliability testing a reality.

An Accelerated Life Testing Q&A
We’re received a few questions related to accelerated life testing. Let’s get together and address your questions related to ALT.
Thanks for another wonderful presentation on a very interesting and important topic!