Problems and Solutions
Consider the recommended action “Review results of XYZ test to confirm requirements are achieved.” Is this a good FMEA recommended action to address a high-risk issue? Is it sufficient? Challenge your FMEA knowledge by solving this problem and other problems presented in this article.
If you haven’t yet read “Understanding FMEA Recommended Actions – Part 1“, this would be a good time, as it presents fundamental information about design and process recommended actions in an FMEA.
Beginner’s Problem
Which of the following are characteristics of well-written FMEA recommended actions? (Select all that apply)
- The name of the person on the FMEA team who recommended the action.
- The name of the person who is responsible for execution of the recommended action.
- A brief description (no longer than three or four words in length) of what action is to be done.
- The date the recommended action was first established.
- The date the recommended action needs to be completed.
Beginner’s Solution
Which of the following are characteristics of well-written FMEA recommended actions? (Select all that apply)
- The name of the person on the FMEA team who recommended the action. (False. This information is not needed, as the FMEA recommended actions are team approved.)
- The name of the person who is responsible for execution of the recommended action. (True)
- A brief description (no longer than three or four words in length) of what action is to be done. (False. FMEA recommended actions should be described in sufficient detail to be fully understood even by someone who is not part of the FMEA team.)
- The date the recommended action was first established. ((False. This information is not needed. The important date is when the action needs to be completed.)
- The date the recommended action needs to be completed. (True)
Intermediate Problem
An FMEA team is considering how to address a high severity and high occurrence issue. Some of the team members want to reduce the severity risk with action strategies such as fail-safe and early warning. Other team members want to significantly reduce the occurrence risk using a robust design strategy. What is the best approach for this team?
Intermediate Solution
It is always a good idea to reduce risk due to high severity, if possible. In addition, risk due to high occurrence should be addressed. The best approach is both of these strategies.
Advanced Problem
Click on the link to view a one-line excerpt from a power steering pump FMEA.
Consider the recommended action “Review results of function test to confirm successful pressure and flow rates achieved.” Is this a good action to address the risk? Is it sufficient? What comments or critiques do you have?
Advanced Solution
The action “Review results of function test to confirm successful pressure and flow rates achieved” is inadequate to address the risk identified in this excerpt for three reasons. First, it is late in the product development process. FMEAs should be completed during the window of opportunity to best impact the design before design freeze date. Second, there is no action to improve the design. The FMEA team identified the cause as “Pressure relief incorrectly identified on the drawing”, with severity 8 and RPN 280. This is relatively high risk and action should have been recommended to specify pressure relief correctly. Third, for high-risk issues there usually needs to be more than one action recommended. In this case, there could be an action to address the incorrect specification, and another action to improve the ability of the bench rig test to detect this problem.
Next Article
A reader is having difficulty seeing the difference between a detection control and a recommended action, and sees them as interchangeable. This has repercussions for the linkage between the Design FMEA and Design Verification Plan, and is the subject of the next FMEA Q and A article.
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