Component Design Process
To learn more about the component design process, check out this video and these articles on material selection, materials selection and design requirements, and designing optimized components.
Your Reliability Engineering Professional Development Site
To learn more about the component design process, check out this video and these articles on material selection, materials selection and design requirements, and designing optimized components.
I’m a metallurgical engineer with over 25 years of experience working on product design, quality improvement, failure analysis, and root cause analysis.
Many people think of metallurgists only for failure analysis of component failures. While I do that, I also help design teams with component design. I help select alloys and coatings that have the corrosion, fatigue, wear, and creep properties needed to meet reliability requirements. Oftentimes, trade-offs are required between component form and materials to optimize a design for performance, reliability, and cost. I help do that, too.
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