Hurricanes pose serious risks to physical assets in chemical plants and refineries. During hurricanes, plant equipment can be damaged by high winds and/or flood waters. I’m hoping your refinery has adequate protection against flooding…so let us see what risks are posed by high winds.
[Read more…]5 Benefits of CMMS Software for Manufacturing Plants
The equipment needed to run a manufacturing plant is costly and expensive to replace. Furthermore, equipment downtime leads to lost production, which directly impacts profits. Replacing reactive maintenance with proactive maintenance through the implementation of CMMS software for manufacturing plants will give you more control and help you prevent equipment breakdown and failure. The benefits of CMMS software are numerous for manufacturing plants.
[Read more…]Electronic Data Collection: The Bridge to the Connected Plant
Guest post by Ken Latino
The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has created immense excitement and promise for industrial facilities. Having connected assets that continuously monitor their own health and feed that information back in a way that is timely and actionable will drive business outcomes and help organizations achieve loftier goals. The challenge today is that many of our assets are not yet “connected” or “intelligent,” meaning that they are not yet outfitted with the health monitoring instrumentation that provides the live, automated data feed directly to a centralized repository of data. Yes, critical assets like turbine generators, boiler feed water pumps, highly critical motors and the like are indeed outfitted with modern instrumentation and fail-safe solutions. However, in most industrial facilities throughout the world, this is a very small population of assets.
[Read more…]World Economic 2021 Forum Global Risk Report
Guest Post by Patrick Ow (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
The World Economic Forum has conducted a Global Risk Survey since 2006. This is the fifteenth survey. The responses are from 650 members of the World Economic Forum. In the preface to the 2021 Global Risk Report it is noted that: “In 2006, the Global Risks Report sounded the alarm on pandemics and other health-related risks.” (1) With this context in mind, the 2021 risk analysis “centers on the risks and consequences of widening inequalities and societal fragmentation. In some cases, disparities in health outcomes, technology, or workforce opportunities are the direct result of the dynamics the pandemic created.” (2)
This piece will review the results of the 2021 Global Risk Survey. It will also discuss some of the issues surrounding the survey.
[Read more…]Win the World Cup with Plant Wellness Way
Let a Plant Wellness Way EAM System-of-Reliability End Your Business Risks Forever
In the Plant Wellness Way EAM system-of-reliability methodology you set world class performance targets for every work task. You do that so the people doing the job know what world class work looks like. Then you ask them to find new, successful ways to deliver world class outcomes in the tasks they do. That way you guarantee world class success.
[Read more…]Forecast Parts’ Demands, Without Life Data, for a Nonstationary Process
In the 1960s, my ex-wife’s father set safety stock levels and order quantities for Pep Boys. He used part sales rates and the Wilson square-root formula to set order quantities.
Why not use the ages of the cars into which those parts go, to forecast part sales and recommend stock levels? Imagine you had vehicle counts (year, make, model, and engine) in the neighborhoods of parts stores, catalogs of which parts and how many go into which cars, and store sales by part number.
[Read more…]What is Probability?
with co-author Mark Fiedeldey
The definition of the term “reliability” begins by specifying that reliability is a probability. Therefore, the concept of a probability, while sometimes intimidating to reliability practitioners, is fundamentally important.
Probability can be defined as the extent to which an event is likely to occur. Just as an average is a measure of central tendency, probability is a measure of uncertainty in a particular event or outcome. That’s all … Nothing intimidating here.
[Read more…]Proactive Risk Management: Why Is It So Tough?
There is a big difference between proactively mitigating risks vs. reacting to incidents. Why do corporations wait to take active safety measures till an incident occurs? Because being proactive is hard…very hard and requires a lot of discipline.
[Read more…]Product Reliability: Selection and Control
In a recent Accendo podcast, Chris Jackson and Fred Schenkelberg discussed who is responsible for producing a reliable product, which included designers and suppliers. I’m going to weigh in.
The reliability of any product depends on the reliability of the individual components and joints within the product. That is, the ability of the components and joints to withstand exposure to stressors without degrading to the point that they fail, resulting in the product no longer performing as required. Stressors, which include corrosion conditions, fatigue, and wear, were discussed in an earlier article.
Whether individual components and joints have the reliability required boils down to two basic aspects of engineering – selection and control. The appropriate form (i.e. shape, dimensions, features) and materials for components and joints must be selected during product design. Then, systems must be put in place to control fabrication of components and joints, ensuring their form and materials are as specified. This will enable the components and joints to consistently meet performance and reliability requirements.
So, who’s responsible for this selection and control?
[Read more…]Effectively Integrating Your CMMS with Current Systems
Maintenance management software increases uptime and productivity, lowers maintenance costs and extends the life of equipment and optimizes inventory usage—provided that it integrates seamlessly with existing systems. One of the toughest aspects of managing this software is CMMS integration. If your CMMS doesn’t communicate smoothly and easily with your accounting, inventory, human resources, purchasing, and other systems, it can reduce response times and lead to an increased chance of error. [Read more…]
Two Methods of Quick Mating Part Location and Alignment
Error Proof Quick Mating Part Location And Alignment. For speedy and easy maintenance it is best to design equipment with a means to insure accurate and exact location of contacting parts. This removes the opportunity for alignment errors during rebuilds and speeds-up maintenance overhauls. In this article is a sketch of two common methods used to provide positive and certain location and alignment between mating parts.
[Read more…]Humans Have New Roles in this Digitally Disrupted World
Guest Post by Patrick Ow (first posted on CERM ® RISK INSIGHTS – reposted here with permission)
While there is oftentimes a “generational war” between the young and the old in the workplace, where the divide is created by the younger generation’s familiarity with technology and the older generation’s aversion to it, the multigenerational concern that plagues all age groups is that technology will outpace humans, leaving many unemployed.
[Read more…]Do RCM on All Equipment?
Absolutely not! That is a big misconception of the process. You get to decide how broadly or how narrowly you apply Reliability Centered Maintenance.
Read moreRoad Maintenance: McAdam, Mud, Major Generals, and the French Influence
British writers often marvelled at the quality and longevity of Roman roads, wondering how modern engineers and governments could hope to imitate their success. The fascination with Roman roads continues, and an excellent overview by Richard Brushi is available on
[Read more…]RAGAGEP
RAGAGEP stands for Recognized And Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practices.
Specifically, OSHA 29 CFR 1910.119 (D)(3)(ii) states:The employer shall document that equipment complies with recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices.
EPA RMP also refers to RAGAGEP in 40 CFR 68.73:Inspection and testing procedures shall follow recognized and generally accepted good engineering practices. [Read more…]