Leadership Connection Interview David Hurst
The Leadership Connection Host, Doug Plucknette, interviews reliability leader David Hurst in Episode 7 of this series. David specializes in developing and updating the reliability maintenance program for the $12B+ assets across the complex as a Branch Manager at National Aerospace Solutions.
More About David Hurst…
David Hurst is the Branch Manager for the Asset Health Assurance Branch with National Aerospace Solutions at Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC), Arnold AFB, TN. The Asset Health Assurance Branch is responsible for developing and updating the reliability and maintenance program for the $12B+ assets across the complex. The AHA branch performs reliability engineering, item management and data analysis; metric development and trending; and reliability modeling for assets ranging from 82K hp motors to 50K gpm pumps to the 161kv electrical distribution system for the base.
David is a Certified Maintenance & Reliability Professional (CMRP) and has 37 years’ experience at AEDC in maintenance and reliability. He is a graduate of Mississippi State University. He is heavily involved with the Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) serving as an officer in the local Middle Tennessee Chapter.
We hope you enjoy this episode!
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