SMRP18 – Online Monitoring with Maureen Gribble
Ultrasound is a great tool but using it to monitor your equipment needs resources and time. When you install sensors for data capturing, there are a lot of values that come up. That much amount of data can overwhelm your engineers. That’s why it is better to have an online monitoring solution that can do that job for you. One of such tools is ‘Forecast’ designed by UE systems. All you have to do is plug the device to the critical equipment, put the sensors at various vulnerable points, and you have a got a wired online monitoring system for you.
In this episode, we covered:
- What is online monitoring?
- What are the benefits of online monitoring?
- Why would you use online monitoring?
- Applications for online monitoring?
- And much more!
What it does is that it records all the data for you and you can just access it remotely. Whenever there is a potential threat to the system, it sends out an alarm and you are able to mitigate the problem before it does damage. It not only cuts out a lot of resources that have to be reserved for gathering data and analyzing it, it saves time that the engineers can spend somewhere else in the facility to improve the reliability. You just need to be able to identify and prioritize your most critical assets and then monitor them at all times using this scalable solution.
Before you go and install these sensors for monitoring, you should know what kind of solutions are you looking for? What kind of problems are you facing? What are the most vulnerable assets or parts that you should be monitoring? And how the new solution can help you maximize your ROI? As it is a software based solution that is free to install on your devices, there is two way interaction. You can either tell the system when and how to send you the information when you need to look into the information or you can just put out the frequency thresholds and whenever it gets crossed, the system will send you notifications. Then you can make decisions based on that information that you receive.
It just works how you install and integrate with your systems. You can send out alerts to the selective people as well. The people who need to make a decision regarding a problem or the people who have to put out a request for work to get something done. It is not a very expensive tool and it works well when you use vibrational analysis tool to dig a little deeper whenever the ‘Forecast’ send you some data and sound files.
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