Basic Steps to Building Your Reliability Plan
Creating a plan is necessary both for budgeting and buy-in. The added focus on reliability will help your team achieve it’s reliability goals. Plus, a good plan helps build your credibility and program. Let’s explore how to build a reliability plan.
First, no two reliability plans are the same. They may have similar elements, yet the path to achieving your goals will differ. Let’s talk about how you craft the right plan for your situation.
Second, every project has different available information and constraints. You may have or not have samples for testing, new technology, controlled customer use conditions, not to mention resources. Building a plan is part of what you need to do to understand your product, uncover risks, and fit within the constraints.
While executing a plan without budget or resources is impossible, you can go a long way with limited resources.
Let’s discuss the basic elements and critical questions you must address as you build your reliability plan. Bring your questions, constraints, and ideas to each unique situation as we explore fitting the right mix of tasks.
This Accendo Reliability webinar originally broadcast on 13 December 2016.

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