Predicting the Value of a Reliability Goal in Your Organization
Establishing a reliability goal for a project is often done early.
You may already know the reliability goal guides the entire development and supply chain team.
Yet, what is the actual value of setting a reliability goal?
Value is the return on the investment. Here, setting a goal may be customer-imposed or simply an educated guess.
It may take some work to craft a meaningful goal reflecting customer expectations. What difference does it make if you do not set a goal, set a quickly devised one, or set a well-researched goal?
The value of a goal can manifest itself in many ways, from providing direction, providing a standard for comparison, assessing suppliers’ capability, and judging actual field performance.
Yet, how does one go about estimating the value of setting a goal?
Let’s discuss the various approaches and methods to ascertain the value created when you set a reliability goal. The discussion explores examples using different situations to demonstrate how to find value in goal setting.
This Accendo Reliability webinar originally broadcast on 12 July 2016.
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