Getting Started with Reliability Engineering
Every project and program includes reliability engineering.
This may be obvious with a structured program and reliability plan or may be unspoken. The product or system will have some level of reliability performance whether or not anyone is overtly working to achieve a reliability goal.
You have an interest in reliability engineering.
You may be working within a group and realize that you can help make the product reliable and doing so have advantages for your customers and for you. Or, you’ve been assigned a few tasks related to reliability engineering.
Now what do you do?
How does one become a reliability engineer? What is a reliability engineer?
And what do they do that makes a difference?
Let’s explore these questions and layout a couple of ways to get started as a reliability engineering professional.
Whether just starting out, starting a new project, or just want to improve your existing program, this webinar will explore how to develop reliability engineering skills, adding value with each task, and spotting opportunities to improve the reliability of your product or process.
This Accendo Reliability webinar originally broadcast on 13 January 2015.

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To view the recorded webinar and slides, visit the webinar page.
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