There is a lot of fear & hysteria going around the world right now with some of the recent events with Coronavirus, the Russia/Saudi Arabia oil war and the stock market plunge (among other things).
Should you be afraid?
I’m not saying you shouldn’t take reasonable precautions like hand-washing, not traveling to certain areas, however, panicking about the uncontrollable will take you away from things you can control (or at least, influence).
Just over a year ago, I was laid off from my previous employer. At the onset, there were many emotions; uncertainty, anxiety, happiness and even relief. Obviously, this wasn’t the first time that I had “failed” so I took the same approach that served me so well in the past.
I doubled down on myself
I built a website, I started this newsletter, I started doing video, I hired a coach, I spoke at conferences, I spoke on other podcasts, I expanded my reach. Now, a year later, my income is up around 50%, I’m happier (even including the recent bouts with depression), I’ve learned more about myself than I had the previous 30 years of my life and I’m closer than ever to unlocking my true potential and, more importantly, unlocking sustainable happiness.
If you’re still breathing, you’re still in the game.
Life can get better or it can get worse. Some of it you can influence, some of it you can’t. Focus on what you can influence and, when you fail, be resilient, dust yourself off & fail up.
Reliability Never Sleeps,
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