Circuit Board Design and Acquisition Best Practices
This episode is a little different from our usual episodes. First of all, it’s a dual-branded episode. It’s both a Reliability Matters Podcast and an Ecosystem podcast episode. The Ecosystem podcast host Judy Warner will join me for an unusual topic, at least for The Reliability Matters Podcast.
Most of my audience are assemblers of circuit assemblies. Our world begins with a bare board. I reminded of the biblical passage “the Wiseman built his house upon the rock”. Circuit boards are the foundation from which we build our products upon.
There’s so much that goes into the design and fabrication of a bare circuit board. Who designs these boards, what criteria were they given, what materials did they choose, where are they made, how much do they cost, and, perhaps most importantly in our world, how easy are they to assemble?
To help answer these and so many other questions, Judy and I have assembled an expert panel of board designers.
Our expert panel consists of Gerry Partida, Vice President of Technology at Summit Interconnect and Julie Ellis, Field applications engineering manager for TTM Technologies.
Contact Information:
Judy Warner
EEcosystem Podcast
Julie Ellis
TTM Technologies
Gerry Partida
Summit Interconnect
It looks like accidently Episode 139 has been attached to RM140. Looking forward to listening to this topic.
Thanks for letting us know Saju, we believe we have it fixed now. You may need to refresh your browser if RM139 still appears… cheers, Fred