Design Failure Patterns
Kirk and Fred discussing how new technology designs of buildings or electronics are usually over-designed in the first generation.
Key Points
Join Kirk and Fred as they discuss the possible causes of design failure patterns
Topics include:
- It is likely that the first high rise condos were over-designed with much more concrete and rebar than later designs due to cost pressures and building shortcuts.
- It would be great to see failure analysis animations similar to the New York Times graphic of the Florida condominium collapse (see link to article in the show notes below)
- Most failures in electronics systems and buildings arise from assignable causes such as overlooked design margins, errors in manufacturing, or user misuse or abuse.
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Show Notes
Here is a link to the graphic illustration of failure analysis of the collapse of the Florida Condominium from the New York Times
Please click on this link to access a relatively new analysis of traditional reliability prediction methods article from the US ARMY and CALCE titled “Reliability Prediction – A Continued Reliance on a Misleading Approach”
For more information on the newest discovery testing methodology here is a link to the book “Next Generation HALT and HASS: Robust design of Electronics and Systems” written by Kirk Gray and John Paschkewitz.
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